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The Speech styles used by the host and the guests in Dorce Show

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The writer analyzed the speech style used by the host and the guests in ?Dorce Show?. The writer was interested in analyzing speech style because it is important to use in communication. People can differentiate to whom they want to speak which is appropriate to the situation, function, and norm in the social context by using speech style. In this study, the writer would like to know the most frequent speech style occuring in ?Dorce Show? program by analyzing speech style used by the host and the guests in this program. The writer also would like to know the more dominating speech style used by the two different professional groups (the artists and the professionals). The writer chooses ?Dorce Show? program because this program is unique and interesting, also language in talk show is produced in different styles reflecting social context. The writer used theories of speech style as proposed by Joos (1976) and Chaer ?Agustina (2004). She also used the theory of lexical and grammatical characteristics for standard Indonesian by Kridalaksana (1985). This research was a quantitative approach. The writer got the data from ?Dorce Show? program which was broadcast by Trans TV on September 2006. The writer only found three types of speech styles in ?Dorce Show?, i.e. formal style, consultative style and casual style. Based on the findings, casual style is the most frequent speech style occuring in talk show program since the setting of talk show program is meant to be informal.

Keyword : speech style, language variation, idiolect

Sumber : http://repository.petra.ac.id/2866/

The Study of Helmi Yahya’s and Alya Rohali’s speech style in “Siapa Berani” quiz on Indosiar

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , — dvanhlast @ 7:31 am


This study deals with the speech style, used by Helmi Yahya and Alya Rohali as the host of “Siapa Berani” quiz. Their speech style are considered unique since the show that they could win several. awards of achivement. In this case this study wants to know the type of Helmi Yahya and Alya Rohali’s speech style and which speech style is typical to certain context of situation. This is a qualitative study and the writer takes the data from “Siapa Berani” quiz on April 1st , 2003. The writer applied Martin Joos’ theory of speech style which is divided into five categories; frozen, formal, consultative, casual and intimate, as her main theory which combined with Gleason and Kridalaksana’s theory. In analyzing the data firstly, the writer read and underlined Helmi Yahya and Alya Rohali?s sentences, secondly, she identified their sentences based on the classification of their speech style, whether they are frozen, formal, consultative, casual or intimate. Thirdly, she analyzed all these sentences based on the characteristics given by each style. Then, she put them on the table so that the characteristic will be shown clearly. At last, she would see from the finding which occupied the highest occurence, the second highest up to the lowest frequency of occurrence that are produced by Helmi Yahya and Alya Rohali. Through this analysis the writer found four types of speech style in that television quiz. They are formal, consultative, casual and frozen. Moreover from this analysis she also found that certain speech style is typical to certain context of situation.

Keyword : speech style, frozen, formal, consultative, casual, intimate, quiz

Sumber : http://repository.petra.ac.id/4658/

The Study on lexical items used by the evangelist in GKKA Tenggilis Mejoyo’s youth fellowship gathering

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — dvanhlast @ 7:31 am


This study deals with the speech styles used by the evangelist in GKKA Tenggilis Mejoyo?s youth fellowship gathering. The writer is interested in investigating the lexical items use by the evangelist in the talk. The choose of lexical items influence the effectiveness in the talk. The writer uses David crystal (1969) theory supported by Martin Joss? theory (1976) of speech styles, which are devided into frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style, also Abdul Chaer?s and Leonie Agustina?s theory (1986:88), Kridalaksana (1978) about standard Indonesian, also about colloquial words. In doing this research, the writer use qualitative approach. The source of data is a 37 years old Bataknese evangelist of GKKA Surabaya. He speaks in youth fellowship/ services in September 2004, attended by the twenties years old youth, male and female. The duration is about 45 minutes. The writer collects the data by joining youth fellowship gathering in the church. The writer collects the data from listening the evangelist when he delivers the talk, records it, and then transcribes. In analyzing the lexical items, the writer uses tables to categorized the words into standard Indonesian words, nonstandard Indonesian words, vernacular words, and foreign words. Then she count the total occur words. Through the analysis, the writer found that the evangelist interest the youth by mixing the standard Indonesian words with non-standard Indonesian words, vernacular words, and foreign words The persentage of code use shos that the evangelist speech belongs to consultative style.

Keyword : speech style, formal indonesian words, non formal indonesian words, vernacular words, foreign words, foreign language

Sumber : http://repository.petra.ac.id/5052/

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